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Go green and receive our e-communications
Fill in the form below to receive our communications electronically by e-mail: documents of a circular nature (such as annual reports and accounts), notices of meetings, credit advices and other shareholder documents and communications.

ENL values your privacy and commits to process your personal data in accordance with applicable laws. By submitting your personal data, you agree that you have read and understood, and that you accept, our Privacy Policy.

Upon receipt by ENL Limited (‘ENL’ or ‘the Company’) of this shareholder consent form duly signed by you, it is hereby understood and agreed by you that:
  • You agree to receive by e-mail at the above e-mail address; notices of meetings, annual reports, financial statements and other shareholder documents and communications from ENL, as well as e-mail notifications if any from ENL advising you that documents of a circular nature (such as annual reports and accounts) have been posted on the Company’s website.
  • The issuance of paper notice of meetings, annual reports, accounts and other shareholder documents, shall be discontinued. However, in particular circumstances, ENL reserves the right to send documents or other information to its shareholders in hard copy rather than by e-mail.
  • ENL shall not be held responsible for any failure in transmission beyond its control.
  • The current instruction shall remain valid until written revocation is duly notified by you (or your duly authorised agent acting on your behalf) to DTOS Registry Services Ltd, 3rd Floor, Eagle House, 15A Wall Street, Ebène.
  • Although ENL takes reasonable precautions for safe transmission of any communication it sends out electronically, ENL shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from any electronic communications from ENL and/or its service providers.
  • ENL values your privacy and commit to process your personal data in accordance with applicable laws. Read our privacy policy
  • You may withdraw your consent to marketing communications at any time by contacting our Data Protection Officer on dataprotectionofficer@enl.mu or by using the unsubscribe link in the emails.
  • It is your responsibility to inform ENL of any change to your e-mail address and/or contact details.
  • You shall hold ENL and/or its agents harmless against any liability arising from your present instructions and execution thereof.
ENL House

Vivea Business Park, Moka, Mauritius
T. +230 404 9500 F. +230 404 9565